Many people struggle to get the recommended amount of sleep during the night, and countless reasons contribute to their struggle. For good health, adults are recommended to shut eye for at least seven hours to avoid diseases like depression, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other diseases. Although it may be difficult to directly impact the factors that influence your sleep quality or navigating through them, apart from introducing sleeping positions to improve your sleep like sleeping with legs elevated, there are a few habits you can introduce to improve the quality of your sleep.

Stick to A Consistent Sleep Pattern

One of the first corrections you can make is sticking to a consistent sleeping routine to regularly ensure you always get seven hours of sleep. Sticking to the same time of sleeping and waking up helps manipulate your body clock and follow a sleeping schedule without a hassle. To avoid breaking the sleep-wake-cycle, following this sleep pattern on weekends is critical. Experts suggest waking up at the same time even if you sleep late for whatever reason; maybe you had trouble sleeping on time.

Keep Your Naps T 20 Minutes

To help you sleep better at night, keep your naps to a 20-minute cap during the day. When you are at home with nothing keeping you occupied, a long nap and staying in bed can be enticing, it is critical to avoid that. To give your body enough time to rest before bedtime, schedule your nap time for the early afternoon. Cutting your naps short may be a struggle initially but think of the benefit of sleeping better when it matters most.

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Eliminated Unwanted Lights

The best thing you can do for your sleep is keeping your room a shady oasis, and even the slightest light exposure can affect the quality of your sleep. Keeping electronic devices like the TV, smartphones, and laptops turned off can help improve your sleep significantly during the nighttime. Many people work from home and work in bed before bedtime; this affects your focus when trying to fall asleep. Not only gadgets but blocking out other sources for light such as outside streetlights and light rays creeping through the door from other lit rooms in the house can affect your circadian rhythm.

Avoid Heavy Meals and Caffeine Before Bed

Although it may seem like a good idea to have a warm cup of tea or have a big meal or even drink alcohol before bedtime, it is not. The discomfort of digesting the food, the amount of energy from caffeine may keep you up struggling to fall asleep. It is normal to crave a refreshment before bed, rather have a caffeine-free drink or water instead of caffeine.

Create a Peaceful Bedroom Mood

Everyone has their preferred mood in the bedroom; generally, a quiet, dark, and cool setting is the best mood for sleep. Ultimately, you want to create a space conducive to comfortable sleep above the physical setting of the bedroom. In many cases, taking deep breaths, meditation, and other mindful exercises help focus you into the present state, promoting a peaceful sleep mood.